Information & Tips for Babies and Parents

Diaper Rash

Treating Diaper Rash

If your baby has diaper rash, be extra gentle when you are cleaning your baby's bottom. If home treatment does not seem to work, seek medical help early.

Caring for Your Baby's Bottom and How to Bathe Him

The basics are the same as normal days but be extra cautious not to rub the inflammed area. Use cotton wool that is moistened with lukewarm water. Do not squeeze out too much water. Gently rinse off the soiled area with the dripping-wet cotton wool. When bathing your baby, use lukewarm water with a temperature lower than normal so that the water will not sting your baby's skin. During the bath, wash your baby with soap or body foam. Soap should be used only once a day. You don't have to use soap each time you wash your baby's bottom. If your baby cries in pain when you use soap, stop using it and gently wash with only warm water.

When to Seek Medical Help

If you discover that your baby's bottom looks red in the morning after wearing the same diaper throughout the night, you should clean him up and monitor his condition. However, if your baby cries in pain whenever you wipe his bottom, or if you find that the infected area is spreading fast, it is best to seek medical help. Your baby will recover faster if you use prescribed medicine together with home treatment.
If your baby's diarrhoea has stopped and you have been applying the prescribed topical cream but the rash seemed to have worsened, it is best to consult the doctor again. It is possible that the prescribed ointment is not suitable for your baby or he has developed "Pediatric Candidiasis", a rash caused by fungus.

When Topical Cream is Prescribed

Non-Steroid Cream

The topical cream that is usually prescribed for diaper rash is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory cream (such as zinc oxide ointment). Bathe your baby or give him a hip bath before applying a thin layer of ointment on the affected area.

Steroid Cream

When the non-steroid cream does not work, steroid cream or topical steroid with strong anti-inflammatory properties may be prescribed. In this instance, apply a small amount only on the area where the inflammation is more serious. Do not rub it in. Just leave a thin layer of cream on the skin and make sure you do not spread the cream over to the non-infected area. Always follow the instructions given by the doctor. Stop application once the inflammation has stabilised.

Antifungal Medication

Antifungal medication is used to treat fungal inflammation. However, do take note that there are some antifungal medication in the market that are meant to be applied only once a day. If you ignore this and apply this medication several times a day, it will cause irritation and worsen the rash. For medication prescribed by the doctor, always follow the instructions on the frequency of application per day.

Vetted by:
Maternity & Gynaecological Clinic
820 Thomson Road, Mount Alvernia Medical Centre, Block A #B1-01, Singapore 574623

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