Why do you feel warm and fuzzy as you look at, touch and hug your baby? Secret is Oxytocin, the hormone of love

Why do you feel warm and fuzzy as you look at, touch and hug your baby? Secret is Oxytocin, the hormone of love

Why do you feel warm and fuzzy as you look at, touch and hug your baby? Secret is Oxytocin, the hormone of love

The love hormone "oxytocin" is made in the brain!

Have you ever heard the word "oxytocin" ?
This is a hormone that is deeply involved in skinship
and relationships of trust with family and partners.
Originally it is for mom's milking,
but it is produced
when you feel happy, fun and comfortable

Oxytocin is released during skin-to-skin contact not only to babies but also to parents.

Of the five senses, "tactile" is the first sense to develop.
It is said that it has been around since I was in my mom's stomach.
When touched or stared at by mom or dad,
the baby's heartbeat stabilizes and relaxes,
and the hypothalamus of the brain secretes oxytocin.
The release of oxytocin makes you feel kind and happy
so it is also called
love hormone, happiness hormone,
or bond hormone.

While deepening attachment and promoting growth,
it also has the effect of weakening stress reactions and stabilizing emotions.


Thanks to the love hormone "oxytocin"!

Recommended for parents to spend 10 minutes hugging your baby daily!

Hugging is one of the recommended skinships.
Oxytocin is released 10 minutes from the start of skin-to-skin contact and by setting aside 10 minutes to hug your baby everyday, it makes your baby feel at ease and loved.
It's a good idea for moms and dads
who are working to have a "little hug" time after returning home.
The skinship effect is high after the evening when the parasympathetic nerve becomes dominant.

Baby's "oxytocin" will affect future "oxytocin"!

The cells that make oxytocin are formed early in life.
It is important for babies to experience oxytocin during the first year of life
when the brain is most developed.
As your brain is more prone to oxytocin,
you will be able to tolerate stress, and you will feel closer to others,
which will help enrich your relationships.
Also, it is very important for the development of the mind to experience a lot of positive feelings of "feeling good" from a young age.
Let's enjoy skinship not only to deepen the affection between parents and babies,
but also to develop a strong mind and body that can withstand stress.

If you touch a soft object, oxytocin will come out!?


Recent Kao research has confirmed that
the level of oxytocin produced increases significantly when you touch something soft and comfortable.
It has become clear that when moms and dads experience the softness of fabrics that come into contact with the skin, such as baby clothing,
oxytocin is secreted and attachment formation may be further promoted.
It is also known to secrete when slowly stroking at a speed of 5 cm per second.

Rate of change in the amount of oxytocin in saliva

Rate of change in the amount of oxytocin in saliva

Rate of change in the amount of oxytocin in saliva

We feel happy when we touch soft things ♪

Diaper changing is an excellent time for skin contact
such as baby massage

Daily diaper changing is an opportunity to release the love hormone "oxytocin".
When massaging, gently touch and stroke at a speed of about 5 cm per second.
It will be easier to secrete love hormones.
Babies should also feel very comfortable.


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