Check that you have this mark at the front.
You will see the blue disposal tape at the back.
To remove the Pants Diaper, either pull it down or tear open the sides.
Baby's skin is still very delicate, so make sure that poo is completely wiped away.
Put your hands through the leg holes and pass through one leg at a time.
Pull the diaper up to above your baby's navel. Pants diapers are easy to put on even if your baby flips while changing.
While baby is leaning onto something, pass one leg at a time through the diaper's leg holes and then pull the diaper up to tummy height.
Before taking off the soiled Pants diaper, lie baby down and lay out a Tape diaper under baby's bottom.
Tear the sides of the Pants diaper and open up the diaper.
Clean baby's bottom, then remove the soiled Pants Diaper and fasten it up with the tape.
An easy way to change baby's diaper without worry about a poo-stained bottom!
Use your fingers to adjust the inner gathers evenly around the thighs, so as to prevent leakage.
If the penis is pointing upwards or sitting on top of the gathers, the pee will leak straight out. Do a final check before you finish the diaper change that baby's penis is safely inside the gathers and pointing downwards.
Flush the poo down the toilet. Dispose the soiled diaper by rolling it up as tightly as possible and seal firmly with the tape on the back before throwing it away.